£155.52 / Monthly of 4 instalments

  • 4 Monthly Instalments of £155.52 each or £576 Full Fee
  • Access to online course materials to deliver a course tailor-made for your child's specification
  • Assessment materials are sent to the student fully marked with personal feedback
  • 6 Taught Lessons on Live Video - flexible time arrangement
  • Physics, Chemistry and Biology (triple or double science) available


£255.96 / Monthly of 4 instalments

  • 4 Monthly Instalments of £255.96 each or £948 Full Fee
  • Bronze plus, key initial evaluation recommendations after an initial analysis of your child's application
  • Online live video teaching for introduction and content of each Topic
  • 16 Taught Lessons on Live Video - includes feedback session flexible time arrangement
  • Physics, Chemistry and Biology (triple or double science) available


£404.97 / Monthly of 4 instalments

  • 4 Monthly Instalments of 404.97 each or £1499.88 Full Fee
  • Bronze and Silver plus, exclusive seminars (one-to-one teaching) with your own private tutor for that specific subject
  • Two Consultation teaching - intensive, half-day teaching sessions.
  • Telephone/video consultations with the same tutor on school homework assignment and marked exam scripts - 4 sessions
  • 20 Taught Lessons on Live Video - includes feedback session flexible time arrangement
  • Physics, Chemistry and Biology (triple or double science) available

Fees – from December (Full Payment)


Fees – from December (4 monthly Installments)

Level Price
Bronze - 1 Subject £155.52 Select
Bronze - 2 Subject £279.94 Select
Bronze - 3 Subject £396.58 Select
Silver - 1 Subject £255.96 Select
Silver - 2 Subject £460.73 Select
Silver - 3 Subject £652.70 Select
Gold - 1 Subject £404.97 Select
Gold - 2 Subject £728.94 Select
Gold - 3 Subject £1,032.67 Select

Fees – from Dec

1 Subject

  Full fees 4 Installments Total paid for installments
Bronze £576.00 £155.52 £622.08
Silver £948.00 £255.96 £1,023.84
Gold £1,499.88 £404.97 £1,619.87

Fees – from Dec

2 Subject

Full fees 4 Installments Total paid for installments
Bronze £1,036.80 £279.94 £1,119.74
Silver £1,706.40 £460.73 £1,842.91
Gold £2,699.78 £728.94 £2,915.77

Fees – from Dec

3 Subject

Full fees 4 Installments Total paid for installments
Bronze £1,468.80 £396.58 £1,586.30
Silver £2,417.40 £652.70 £2,610.79
Gold £3,824.69 £1,032.67 £4,130.67

Fees statement and procedures for Excel iLearn

Upon completing the enrolment process, we will contact the student to have an introduction session with a course adviser. We will use the session to explain how the course works and may schedule some of the dates for the one-to-one lessons for those who subscribe to the Silver or Gold subscription.

The student will have access to a secure members area online and we will also send messages by e-mail to welcome you onto the course. We will send printed assessment papers in the post. The student is expected to do the questions by handwriting (reflecting the way a real GCSE/IGCSE exam is conducted). After completing the questions, the student will take pictures or scan the work and send it to us by e-mail or upload the work onto an online portal.

The teacher will mark the work and return it to the student.


Silver and Gold subscription.

There are ten sessions of one-to-one teaching for each subject and the student may choose to use the ten lessons to cover the topics of their choice. In addition to the one-to-one teaching, which is via live video calls on Zoom or Microsoft Teams, the student will also have access to pre-recorded videos, with at least one video available per topic. The fees are the same for both Triple and Combined  Science, but we will indicate to the student which topics are for Triple Science only and which are for both Combined and Triple Science.

Two Payment options:

  1. Full payment
  2. Four equal instalments

For instalment payments, there is a total of four monthly instalments. The first payment is taken from your credit or debit card in order to complete the enrolment. The remaining three payments are taken on the 28th day of each month for the next three months – a total of four instalments.

For instalment payments, only one topic is released each month. If the student wants to have access to the whole course, they need to complete the remainder of the payments. Full payment is expected by the fourth month, after which the student will have access to the full course. Until the full payment is made, a maximum of two one-to-one lessons can be scheduled in one month.

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