

For an Improved GCSE or A-Level Grades
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Welcome to Excel iLearn

A dedicated group of professional teachers delivering excellent quality of teaching to boost confidence and exam performance at GCSE and A-level.

Our purpose is to bring out the best in the academic ability of teenagers in core subjects at GCSE level, enhancing their chances of gaining admission to top universities.

  • What we do

  • Success stories and case studies 

  • Who we serve – who are we for?

  • Who does it – the teachers

Since the beginning of the lockdown due to the pandemic, all our classes have moved online, using mainly Zoom and Microsoft Teams. The fact that lessons are now online is reflected in the lower fees that we now have, in comparison to in-premises teaching. In addition to the live teaching, most lessons are recorded and students can revisit recorded lessons for future reinforcement of knowledge.

From the autumn of 2020, the services that were being provided by Excel in Key Subjects are now delivered by Excel iLearn – a new company.

Our purpose – what we do

We exist to support teenagers in achieving to their full academic potential and, consequently, gaining admission to the top universities. We provide tuition support in core academic subjects at GCSE and A-level – aimed at boosting students’ performance in school and, ultimately, enabling them to achieve high exam grades in subjects that matter most.


Who we serve – who are we for?

Our programmes are aimed at young people who have the ability to achieve at least a B grade, and the value we add is to help in notching that up to an A or A*. Our programmes are not suitable for those who may not be capable of achieving at least a C grade. It must be said that not all students are at Grade B or even C when they join us. Some are performing below that level, but they consequently improve, with the teaching and guidance we provide them.

The vast majority of these students go to good schools in the first place, and these schools range from good comprehensive school (so-called academies!) to grammar schools to independent schools. As I’m sure you’d agree, even amongst good schools, quality of education provision and the impact it makes on students varies widely – and from one subject to another.

We support aspirational parents and their teenagers to boost performance and fulfil their academic potential.

How we do it

Our approach is to cater for individual needs, usually within a small group setting. We strongly believe that, in addition to having a competent teacher leading from the front, young people also learn from each other. This is especially the case when you have a group of young people who are from families where education is highly valued, and are put in an environment that allows them to thrive.

Our teaching consists of both small group and one-to-one teaching. We have small groups of between three and five students, on average. In addition to teaching them as a group, we also provide one-to-one tutorial sessions each day.

The three main programmes we have are listed in order of popularity.

a. Saturday Classes – available for A-level, GCSE and KS3

b. Intensive Revision during school holiday – available for A-level and GCSE

c. Module-based online learning (This is new and is limited to Physics, Chemistry and Biology GCSE at present. Other subjects and levels to be introduced soon).

Lessons are delivered via live video teaching and, on top of the teaching, assignments are set, checked and meaningful, personalised feedback provided to individual students.

Please see below the teaching that a student gets in each subject each Saturday.

A-level – AS and A2

  1. Teaching session 1 – This consists of 60 minutes of small group teaching
  2. Assignment set in terms of exam questions – including Milestone work, which is marked, with written feedback provided
  3. Teaching session 2 – This consists of 15 to 20 minutes of one-to-one tutorial – dedicated to addressing individual student's weaknesses

GCSE – Y11 or Y10 or KS3

  1. Teaching session 1 – This consists of 45 minutes of small group teaching
  2. Assignment set in terms of exam questions – including Milestone work, which is marked, with written feedback provided
  3. Teaching session 2 – This consists of about 10 minutes of one-to-one tutorial – dedicated to addressing individual student's weaknesses

The enrolment process for the Saturday school

  1. Upon registration, the student sits a diagnostic test in the subject(s) on the first Saturday
  2. A one-to-one interview, with each subject teacher on the second Saturday. This allows weakness and strengths to be identified and performance targets set. A report is written and sent to the parents
  3. The lessons start on the third Saturday

There are three terms in an academic year.

  • First Term – ten Saturdays – two for Diagnostic and Alignment and eight for teaching.
  • Second Term – eight Saturdays of teaching
  • Third Term – eight Saturdays of teaching

The minimum we expect a student to register for is one term and this is ten Saturdays in total for that student. It is good for a student to join at the start of the Autumn Term in September. However, a student can join at other times in the year, when an admission window is available.

From the autumn of 2020, the services that were being provided by Excel in Key Subjects are now delivered by Excel iLearn.